Welcome to my website! My name is Gabriela Palomo and I am a carnivore ecologist from Guatemala (Central America) doing a post doc in the US at the University of Maryland with Dr Travis Gallo. I use this website to keep my blog called My Digital Notebook, description of my projects, my CV, and information on how to contact me.
If you would like me to review a paper please email me here: gabriella.palomo@gmail.com
University of Nebraska Lincoln, School of Natural Resources Lincoln, NE
Ph.D. in Natural Resources | August 2017 - January 2022
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Facultad de Educacion Guatemala City, Guatemala
M.A. in Higher Education | August 2015 - June 2017
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria Guatemala City, Guatemala
M.Sc. in Wildlife Management | August 2008 - June 2010
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Facultad de Educacion Guatemala City, Guatemala
B.Sc in Biology | January 2001 - June 2007